I’m getting married (again!)

Reflection of the week

I’m getting married (again!)

Happy Friday, everyone!

I hope you had a good week. I had a significant milestone last week with BTF’s 8th birthday, and the next day, I had another – my partner proposed! So, I’m getting married (again!)

This moment makes me appreciate my reflections last week on “There is no there” and “enjoying the ride.” If you had told me what my life would be like now when I started my firm, I likely would have freaked out. I’ve made it through building a business, a divorce, a pandemic, and soon another marriage. Life is wild.

And I share this info since being open and vulnerable serves my business values:

  • Lead by Example: We take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually to be the best we can in serving our clients and show them by example what living a fulfilling life looks like.
  • Choose Courage: We embrace our uniqueness and dare to be who we are in the face of uncertainty, discomfort, risk, and emotional exposure. Belonging in this firm doesn’t require changing who you are but being who you are.
  • Listen Deeply & Speak with Care: We approach each conversation with an open mind rather than the “right answer.” We tell the whole truth to ourselves, our clients, and each other.
  • Appreciate all that you have: Rather than focus on extraordinary moments, we appreciate the everyday joy of showing up for our clients and helping make their lives better.

I’m grateful to feel aligned and authentic in my life and business. And I want that for you, too!

You can check out my Instagram if you’d like to see some pictures and hear more of the story.


Questions of the Week

  • Do you feel aligned with your personal and business values?
  • If not, what’s one simple action you can take to get back in alignment?
  • What’s one thing that’s happened to you in the past year that you didn’t expect?


Tool of the Week

As I said, life is wild. And one tool I use to help keep me present is a gratitude list. Every night, I text a friend five things for which I’m grateful. And what started as a simple two-week exercise has now become a five-year one. Try it out and see if it will work for you!