Eight Years of Growth: Reflecting on Lessons Learned

Reflection of the Week

Eight Years of Growth: Reflecting on Lessons Learned

Happy Friday and Happy August, all!

August 1st marks the eighth anniversary of my entrepreneurial journey, and I am filled with gratitude and pride for the progress made and the lessons learned along the way. Each year has brought new challenges and insights, so I love to take a step back and assess my journey

Here are eight reflections from the past year:


1. There is No “There”

The journey of entrepreneurship is a continuous process with no definitive endpoint. Even when you achieve what you want initially, the goalposts tend to move. Embracing this mindset has allowed me to make the most out of each day rather than worry about the future or feel regret over the past.


2. Quality Over Quantity

Focusing on the quality of my work rather than the sheer volume has been transformative. The longer I do this, the more I strip away the things I used to do because I thought I had to. Focusing on a few things that I do best has brought me more success and joy.


3. Build, Measure, Learn

One of my favorite mantras. This iterative process helps identify what works and what doesn’t, enabling continuous improvement. By analyzing results and making data-driven adjustments, I have refined my strategies effectively.


4. Being Able to Say “No” is Huge

The ability to say “no” has been empowering, allowing me to focus on what truly matters. It prevents overcommitment and ensures that my time and resources are dedicated to the most impactful activities. As a recovering people pleaser, I find this lesson most challenging.


5. Focus on How I Want vs. What I Want

Shifting my focus from what I want to how I want to achieve it has brought clarity and purpose to my endeavors. This approach emphasizes the importance of processes and values guiding my actions and decisions. It has fostered a deeper connection to my goals rather than just the outcome.


6. Nobody is Charging What They Are Worth but Wants to!

Understanding the value of my services and charging accordingly has been a significant challenge. Many entrepreneurs, including myself, struggle with pricing their worth. Overcoming this involves recognizing my unique value and confidently communicating it to clients.


7. Make the Most of Every Day Using a Daily Planner

Utilizing a daily planner has been instrumental in maximizing productivity. It helps prioritize tasks, manage time efficiently, and set clear daily goals. This simple tool has profoundly impacted how I organize my work and achieve my objectives.


8. Enjoy the Process

Finding joy in the process rather than just the outcome has been a game-changer. Celebrating small wins and appreciating the journey fosters a positive mindset and sustained motivation. Things may not turn out how I want or expected, but that’s been part of the joy in my journey.


Looking back on these eight years, I am reminded of the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. These lessons have shaped my business and my personal growth, and I am excited to see what the future holds. Here’s to many more years of development, discovery, and success!


Questions of the Week

  • Do you take time to reflect on your entrepreneurial journey?
  • Which one of these reflections resonates with you most?
  • Do you have any words of wisdom or encouragement for me going into this new year?


Tool of the Week

A key to the Build, Measure, Learn mantra is taking time to reflect. I highly recommend taking 15-30 minutes during milestone moments to help assess where you are on your journey. I’ve found it super impactful and transformative for my business.