What are you thankful for?

Question of the Week

What are you thankful for?

Happy Friday, all! And Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you have had a celebratory and connective holiday so far. I still love this time of year. For me, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of several weeks of joy, cheer, and celebration that remind me how lucky I am.  It’s also a time of year where it’s a little less out of the ordinary to be my expressive, emotive, and gushy self.

As always, I’m super thankful for my family, friends, clients, readers, and everyone else who has made this year fantastic. Being an entrepreneur has taught me to take one day at a time and be as present for every moment as possible. The present passes quickly, regardless.

I hope you all get to take some time to relax and reflect on what you’re grateful for this year. To those of you that don’t get to hang out with your family or friends this weekend, whether because of the pandemic, fraught relationships, or other circumstances, I hope you have an alternate way to give and receive some joy this holiday.


Quote of the Week

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey


Task of the Week  

There is a ton of research that shows that gratitude and giving thanks can make you happier.  I’ve been lucky enough to have a gratitude buddy for a while, with whom I exchange daily texts of five things we are grateful for. This week’s task is to share five things that you’re thankful for with another person and ask them to share five things with you.  Can’t find a gratitude buddy? Feel free to contact me at the links below, and I’m happy to exchange appreciation with you.