Nursing Your Instagram Profile To Wealth

Reflection of the Week

Nursing Your Instagram Profile To Wealth
Happy Friday, all!

We dropped yet another tool-filled MDB episode this week. I talk with nurse-turned-entrepreneur Jumer Adalin. As a social media expert, Jumer helps fellow nurse entrepreneurs grow their businesses through social media to create both impact and income.

You might have noticed I’ve been on a marketing kick lately. I’m increasingly realizing how critical this aspect is to building the business of your dreams. In the episode, Jumer shares his journey from ICU nurse to social media superstar. He also offers valuable tips for Instagram marketing and creating content to grow and nurture your online audience.


Episode Highlights
Mission-driven businesses focus on solving problems.
As a nurse-by-trade, Jumer likens a mission-driven business to a healthcare team whose common goal is to bring about positive patient outcomes. Similarly, a mission-driven business focuses on solving problems for a specific group of people. In Jumer’s case, that group of people is nurses using social media to grow a business.

“My mission in my business is to grow their online business without sacrificing their sanity, without burning out because I have been there,” Jumer said on the episode.


Don’t hide behind the current trend.
With the rise of content created by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, it’s more important than ever to show up as your authentic self online. Jumer encouraged entrepreneurs to share their values, opinions, and personal stories to build genuine connections with the audience.

“The value of a personal brand has never been higher,” Jumer said. “Authentic content creation comes down to showing your values and telling your audience what you stand for, what you stand against, and that you have an opinion in the online space.”


Build your audience with a free but valuable resource.
Offering a free, high-quality resource can provide immediate value to potential clients or customers while also building your credibility with your audience, according to Jumer. He designed his free resource, the Instagram audit guide, to be an easily implementable checklist with quick wins to showcase his expertise and teaching style.

“Creating a really valuable education resource has been pivotal in growing my email list and really showcasing my experience,” he said.


Consistently communicate with your audience.
Jumer emphasized the importance of consistently communicating with your audience on your platform of choice. While social media is a free, powerful tool to communicate with your audience, Jumer advised entrepreneurs to build their email lists to reach their followers. Unlike social media, an email list is a direct line to your audience.

“You don’t own Instagram, but you do own your email list,” Jumer said. “Think about the power of directly getting into a person’s inbox. That builds the connection immediately, and you don’t have any other competition.”


Questions of the Week

  • Have you ever been afraid to be your authentic, true self online?
  • When was the last time you’ve done an Instagram audit?
  • What freemium can you create today that can provide value to potential clients?

Tools of the Week
I can’t say enough how much I enjoyed talking to and learning from Jumer. You can learn more about him at the links below. I’ve also linked to his free tool for generating content for Instagram. Enjoy!

●      28 Instant Content Remedies

●      Jumer Adalin: Website, Instagram