Reflection of the Week
Finding Calm in the Chaos
Hey all…happy Friday!
What. A. Week.
The executive branch of our government has been super busy creating chaos, anxiety, and fear with an array of executive orders this week. I’ve gotten several panicked emails, all valid, from clients who are fearing the worst, whether it be losing their federal contracts or grants, their clients losing their federal contracts or grants, or their lives and safety being at stake because they are trans.
It’s scary. And I understand the anxiety. If you’re in panic mode, know you are not alone. A lot of people are scrambling.
In moments like this, I ask my clients to take a beat before making big moves, like breaking a lease, raiding their 401k, or laying people off. No one knows what’s going to happen. And you’ve already experienced a lot of whiplash with the orders that have come down.
And if you’re a client, we’ve focused on what we can control and built some cushion in your cash flow system. We also have systems to help you identify where you are and moves you can make when needed. So you have time and leeway to sit tight until we get more clarity.
In the meantime, I continue to implore you all to focus on what you can control. Here are three simple moves you can make to help create some calm in the chaos.
- Get Organized – I’ve been helping clients create an “emergency budget” to get the essential costs to keep their business running. Take some time and get organized around what you and your business need to survive.
- Keep the focus on you – with all the noise, it’s easy to get distracted. But what can you do to take advantage of this moment? Can you market to new clients? Can you reach out to people who may need you more than ever now?
- ·Take one day at a time – many people, myself included, love to futurize about the worst-case scenario. I must consistently tell myself to “come back” to the present. You can ask yourself, “How is your business now?” “how can I take care of myself despite this anxiety and stress? “What step can I take today to get me one step closer to where I want to be?
Again, I hear you. It’s a scary, anxiety-producing time. And as much as I would love to be able to predict what the next few months (or years) will look like, I don’t have that foresight. No one does. But no matter what comes, we can figure it out and take the next right step.
Hang in there!
Questions of the Week
- How is your business right now?
- How can you use this moment as an opportunity?
- What do you need to do right now to take care of your emotional, physical, or spiritual health?
Tool of the Week
It always helps me to get my fears, thoughts, and anxiety out of my brain. My primary tool for that is journaling, sitting down for 5-10 minutes (sometimes 30, depending on what’s happening), and typing everything on my mind.
If writing isn’t your thing, talk to a trusted friend. Do whatever you can to get out of your own head.