Let me start by saying, I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving. It seems like a few weeks ago that I was writing about resolutions for 2014. Now 2015 is on its way.
If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know I’m a huge fan of expressing gratitude for the many positive things in my life. And not just on Thanksgiving but every day.
However, I get pretty sentimental around this time of year. So as we go into the holiday of thanks, I want to share five thing that I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Being Alive: As cheesy as it sounds, I don’t take being alive for granted. The news out of Ferguson last night reminds us that tomorrow is not promised to anyone, especially young black men. With a large disparity in the life expectancies of black and white men, along with statistics like black men are six times more likely than white men to end up incarcerated, I consider myself very fortunate to be alive and living a comfortable life.
Being Married: At this time last year, I was freaking out over proposing to Ben. It was probably one of the most stressful times in my life. But the weekend turned out well (despite a few hiccups) and less than a year later we are married. We spent an amazing few days with our family and had a ceremony that I’ll never forget. I also had the pleasure of flying to Germany to see my brother get married in a castle. That was pretty cool too.
Having Loving Friends: Ben and I got an email over the weekend from a close friend whose child was asking why there wasn’t woman when Ben and I were married. She responded that there doesn’t have to be and that they love us very much. Little moments like this remind me of what amazing friends I have – so many smart, insightful and loving people that I know support me wholeheartedly. I couldn’t ask for more.
Our New House: A lot of huge events this year, among one of the biggest was buying our first house. The experience has provided so many money lessons and strengthened my relationship with Ben (with some bumps of course). We’ve invested a lot of time and money making the place our own, and the hard work has been really rewarding.
My Blog: I know I say this often, but I really love blogging. I enjoy the interaction with other people, talking about something I’m passionate about, and creating a journal for my thoughts and experiences. The site has grown so much this year, and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday. Take some time to express your gratitude for the people, moments, and things in your life. The moments will be gone before you know it.