My 100th post!

I love a good milestone. So I’m excited today to celebrate my 100th blog post! When I started the blog, I wanted to create a medium where I could discuss two things that I love: personal finance and marriage equality.  Since then, I’ve had an amazing time sharing my thoughts and feelings on both.

My most popular posts have involved marriage equality, including the news about Cook County allowing same-sex couples to marry and the DOJ’s new stance on gay marriage. A couple of purely personal finance topics have also cracked the top 10: Three Reasons to Get Life Insurance While You’re Young and Are You a Lumper or a Splitter?

By far, a huge margin in fact, the post that has garnered the most attention was our engagement story. That makes me happy since it’s so close to my heart and epitomizes why I wanted to write in the first place.  (Love you German.)

I’m extremely grateful for the readership, the community I’ve become a part of on Tumblr and Twitter, and the entire blogging experience. I’m especially thankful for the input of my friends and family who continue to help me try to make the blog what I know it can be.

This first hundred is only the beginning. Can’t wait to see what comes next!